Roadmap Europa

European marketing, media and design mixed with some personal anecdotes and travels.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Getting to grips with new media

While new media has been moving ahead at a rapid rate for several years, many of the bigger ad agencies seem to have had trouble catching up, with the pace being set most often by smaller digital agencies.

A survey by Forrester in the US earlier this year found that agencies overestimated their impact with clients. There were several areas of difference between clients and agencies the most glaring of which was that while 95% of agencies believed they were well equipped to deal with new media, only 45% per cent of clients agreed. The report found that digital agencies had been on the resurgence since the dotcom boom went bust.

Anecdotally it always seemed a tough sell to get traditional agencies to really devote themselves to new media with all the extra effort it required of them compared to managing a traditional TV or print campaign. At the same time the media spend for an online campaign was less and so there was less financial incentive. So while the client might carry a stick there wasn't much carrot. Watching clumsy TV commercials being rerun as online video ads, it seems some agencies continue to struggle to have the commitment or skills to put together a rounded integrated campaign.

I came across an interesting article in the Financial Times where the leaders of the UK ad industry shared their thoughts on the changes wrought by new media, some of which I've paraphrased below. They range from the defensive to progressive and considering it is now more a decade since the Internet first made an impact you wonder how much time some people need, especially an industry that is meant to be ahead of the curve...

STEVE HENRY, Executive creative director, TBWA\London
"People want to be entertained; they don't want to be sold to using the old advertising model. It's about competing for people's time...this is the fundamental change that's going on. What is creativity in advertising? I now think of it as anything that affects that brand. There shouldn't be any media attached to it."

TONY DAVIDSON, Executive creative director, Wieden + Kennedy London
"Do I think there's a crisis? No - but there are too many agencies focusing on their clients' comfort zones rather than on the brand's success. The result of that is, at best, instantly forgettable creativity. The creative side of the industry is not in crisis - it's just not as good as it could be."

Dove's Evolution campaign produced results, adshow awards and some good consumer generated parodies:

JOHN HEGARTY, Chairman and worldwide creative director, BBH
"Would I say "crisis"? I think there's a confusion... an enormous number of new media have opened up and as yet we are not absolutely sure how to use media is so new that it's very difficult to understand absolutely how people are relating to it. We have had to move from a "learn and do" culture to a "do and learn" culture... some people find it quite unnerving and are not sure how to move forward...there is confusion now. Some will claim they have an intimate understanding of it all because everybody in advertising always claims an intimate understanding of everything."

TREVOR BEATTIE, Chairman and creative director, BMB
"No, there is no creative crisis...blogging, by rank amateurs, is having an impact on journalism but there isn't a blogging equivalent of adverts; people merely mash-up the existing work. There aren't going to be people sitting around having ideas for chosen brands, whereas there are people blogging about any random thing. If there is a situation in advertising, it's time. Your first idea has to be the right one and there's no time to craft it. Everything is about speed and the great boast is to be able to deliver faster. So some of the ideas are less considered and I think that's a problem."

TIM DELANEY, Chairman, Leagas Delaney
"The big companies are about heavy-duty results. They have got to have quarterlies. Big agencies set the tone, and if they set a financial tone, they change the nature of the business. And the digital revolution has thrown a new group of people into the creative arena, who are not necessarily ideas-driven but are geeky or digitally driven."


London calling...

Welcome to spring! Warm sunny days have been drying us out after the usual winter deluge and visibly lifting everyone's spirits.

I jumped on the plane to London last week for a brief visit. The predominance of low cost airlines make Santiago's connections to the rest of Europe something of a hit and miss affair. My first low cost flying experience proved to be relatively painless, I wouldn't say flying Ryanair was a pleasure but you get what you pay for and the train in from Stansted is quick and convenient. Arriving in buzzing, multicultural central London was a bit of a culture shock, especially after Galicia or even Madrid.

After logging in some hours at the office we headed off around the corner to the Spanish Moroccan restaurant, Moro and had a great dinner and a good bottle of tinto reserva from Ribera del Duero. Having spent a few months helping market a local wine region I can now confidently navigate a Spanish wine list, not something I was expecting to do before coming here.

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